

July 10, 2017

This is my personal blog, with posts about Scala, Java, JVM and Software Architecture.

Check my Curriculum Vitae, see posts by topic

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Designing an Api Gateway with authentication and authorization

February 15, 2018

Motivation Authentication and authorization may be a problem in a micro service environment. If every micro service has its own authentication and authorization, you end up with multiple services doing the same thing, and perhaps with different…

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Java 9 Overview

December 15, 2017

Java 9 had released at September 2017. On this post you will found a global overview of the changes, and some useful links.

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Scala Language Tutorial

January 15, 2017

I will start with some generic concepts Mutability and Immutability and Singleton object that are not specific of the scala language.

Next, I have separated the main features in 3 Charters: Scala as a Object Oriented Language, Scala as a Functional language, Scala as a Script language. I like to say that scala was the qualities of all kind paradigms. It is possible to take advantage of each paradigm.

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JVM Bytecode

January 10, 2017

Java and Scala and other languages that compiles to JVM, **are more dynamic that you may thing**. As you already know Java and Scala compiles to JVM Bytecode. And this bytecode that probably scares you is easy that you may thing. I will not explain it on this post, but lets take a look.

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Web Summit 2016

December 15, 2016

My experience in the Web Summit 2016

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Example Post

July 10, 2015

This post is a example post to ilustrate the functionalities

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